Free Gay Chat Without Registration

Are you looking for some fun? guypr is a free and anonymous gay chat for real meetings. Meet gay men from your area, completely free and without registration.

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Gay Heart

The Gay Chat for Real Meetings

guypr is the first gay chat, which is only focused on real meetings with gay men from your area. While other chats only connect you with men from the whole world or require an app, guypr connects you with guys from your area straight in your browser. You can use guypr for free and without registration.

Set the radius of your search to suit you best. Of course, you also have the opportunity to chat with gay men from all over the world if you're not just looking locally.

Receive Messages Offline Too

Compared to other gay chats, you can still be reached up to 24 hours after your last visit. Men from your area can leave you messages if you are currently offline. As soon as you start the chat again, you can retrieve the messages and reply to them. This way you can get in touch with gay men even when you're busy.

Anonymous & Safe

To use guypr, you don't have to enter any private data such as your name or e-mail address. So you can use our gay chat easily and relaxed. Select your age, create a profile picture and specify the radius in which you would like to search. We also recommend that you create a profile text so that other men know exactly what you are looking for and can send you a suitable message directly. We will also change your location by a few meters for safety reasons, as a rough location usually is enough. So you're on the safe side.

Our Advantages

Secretly Gay Or Bisexual?

Are you living in the closet or are you bi curious? Then guypr is the right choice for you. Because there is no registration needed on guypr, you don't leave any traces. Just meet guys fully anonymous without providing any private details about you. You don't have to install any app, just start guypr right now in your browser. We'll connect you directly with a man from your area. Just chat a little bit and meet him a few hours later.

100% Anonymous

The advantages of being 100% anonymous? Nobody will ever know that you've used guypr. You don't leave any traces when you use guypr in the inkognito mode of your browser. It's perfect if you want hide your sexuality from your family and friends or you just looking for a fling besides your relationship. You don't even have to remove your guypr profile. It will be invisible for others when you are offline and after a short time of inactivity we will completely remove it.

Only Live Images

You can't send photos from the gallery with us? Why? Because we want you to be safe. So you know what the person you're meeting looks like and don't have to chat with a potential faker.

Free Of Charge

There are no premium account or fees on guypr. You can use all features on guypr for free. So guypr isn't only 100% anonymous, it's also 100% free of charge.

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